Friday, January 8, 2010

I Must Tell-The Story of James Stewart

I Must Tell is an autobiography about Jimmy Stewart. In his book Jimmy Stewart tells us of his life before and after Christ came into his life.

Jimmy Stewart's life before was not completely rebellious, he did not drink or party like many who have extreme testimonies, but Jimmy's testimony shows a clear working of God, throughout his whole life. When he was 14 he was trying to become a pro soccer-football player, people loved Jimmy, he was a very good player. But God had something bigger planned for his life. Jimmy's mother was faithful to pray for Jimmy everyday. Her prayers were answered, when at a soccer-football game Jimmy cried out for God, and was saved that day.

Jimmy had a heart for the lost, at the age of 14 Jimmy would go out and preach the gospel. All he had were simple sandwich boards, his voice, and God. God worked amazingly through Jimmy's life, and many souls were won! Later on he became a missionary to Russia, which, amazingly enough, was an answer to prayer for the pastors in Russia.

This book has taught me that, like David, that God will work through you no matter how old you are. And it has showed me that we Christian's need to be out trying to save souls and that we need a greater faith in God. I think that everyone should read this book!

1 comment:

  1. I read these books about the life of James Stewart some time ago and they are such a blessing! He had such a burden for souls! You are right, everyone should read them!

